analytical-instrumentation-nextechAre you a real company?
Yes. The company is an operating LLC which is established in the state of NH.

What does Nextech Science Innovations (NSI) do?
We provide independent professional technical selling expertise on a contract basis for companies needing resources as an alternative to a full time sales/marketing staff. This support can be short or long term depending on your company requirements.

I’m looking to hire a full time sales rep via a recruiter-why should I consider your services?
That certainly can be a good way to go if you have a solid growth potential for a well defined product, and you are willing and able to take on an additional employee with the costs (base salary, commissions, benefits, car, expenses, etc). NSI offers immediate professional product representation at a much lower investment and no long term commitments-contracts can be renewed as needed.

What do these services cost?
Your investment is based on the structure of the support agreement, which is flexible, and based on the detail of the specific services needed for your organization and our plan for sales support of the technology. Typically the compensation is a monthly retainer, and a commission based on the product sales. Contracts initially are established for a 12 month period. Considering typical total compensations packages for experienced analytical technology sales reps, you might expect to pay about half to engage our services and conference support.

What if I’d like to cancel the contract?
We are pretty flexible and the goal is to perform services and have a personal and productive relationship with our clients to help drive product acceptance and sales in the market. We understand conditions can change. Typically we can incorporate in the contract a 60 day notification clause whereby either party can terminate the contract.

Where are you physically located?

Who pays for the conferences?
We do. NSI will be at certain conferences during the year with a corporate booth. The booth will be registered under the NSI name, however we will have marketing materials, graphics, and drive sales efforts for your represented product/company. Specific, individual conferences not on our list which may be of value for your market, can be discussed and added if appropriate.

Do you have other clients that may compete with our product/application?
Absolutely not. Once a client is under contract for a specific product/application, that eliminates other companies which may have a similar competing product in this segment. You can be assured that the clear focus is to drive your product sales.

What geographies do you cover?
Marketing and sales activities can include US and Canada (or subset territories) and several of the conferences enable meeting prospects from these areas. Travel for more onsite meetings with clients on a regular basis will occur from mid Atlantic to the Northeast areas.

Do you provide servicing or field support of the product?
No. At this time only marketing and selling services. Product manufacturing, delivery, warranties, and service support are handled by the product company.